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Water Treatment

We have designed drinking water treatment facilities using source water from deep aquifers to shallow groundwater to small rivers to large reservoirs. Our experience includes both conventional treatment as well as advanced treatment processes. We have been involved in the planning, design and construction of drinking water treatment plants as small as 2 mgd and as large as 1500 mgd.


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Wastewater Treatment

Our wastewater treatment experience includes every phase of a treatment plant project from initial planning through startup.  We have been involved in dozens of wastewater treatment projects across the country over the past two decades ranging from small community systems treating less than 100,000 gpd up to some of the world's largest municipal plants.  Our specific experience includes all aspects of a treatment plant from headworks, biological treatment, tertiary treatment, and disinfection to a variety of biosolids management strategies.


Pump Stations

Pumping is ubiquitous in our industry and its one of our strong suits.  We have extensive experience in a wide variety of wastewater pumping applications including wastewater collections system lift stations, deep tunnel pumping, and wastewater treatment plant influent pump stations.  Our experience is just as strong in drinking water from raw water pump stations and finished water pumping and distribution system booster stations.  We have been involved with water and wastewater pump stations up to 275 mgd and stormwater pumping up to 864 mgd.

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Wet Weather Management

Managing wet weather flows can be one of the most significant challenges facing communities today.  Our experience ranges from large scale storage and pumping facilities to system wide sewer rehabilitation planning and implementation.  Our team is experienced in pinpointing problems, crafting solutions, and assisting utilities during rehabilitation implementation.

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Conveyance and Distribution

Our staff has extensive experience in the planning, design, and construction administration of wastewater conveyance systems and water distribution systems.  From small water mains to large transmission lines, system wide sewer rehab to gravity sewer design, let us help you cost effectively implement your next pipeline project.

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We are dedicated to using our engineering abilities to help those in greatest need.  From Mayan Indians in a remote area of Guatemala to the Ribeirinhos in the Amazon River Basin to villages in Africa, we strive to bring sensible engineering solutions to the water and wastewater needs for developing communities.

Helping Developing Communites

© 2023 by inflo design group, llc.

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